
Use Filters

The index and query example assumes the search items contain unstructured text only. This assumption may not hold in real world search applications. For example, the Titanic dataset, which offers a comprehensive glimpse into the passengers aboard the ill-fated RMS Titanic, contains categorical feature (for example Sex), numerical feature (e.g., Age), and text feature (e.g., Name). Now we want to consider the filters in search. For example, we want to search a passenger's name with a keyword, say cumings, but with a filter of Sex field being female.

We now illustrate how we can build a retriever with filters. We made a few changes with this script on the original Titanic csv data to fit our need:

  • We changed the original field names PassengerId and Name to sourceand text respectively, as the latter are required fields in building an index.
  • We added a randomly generated Birthday field to demonstrate the search of date field.

We end up with the following jsonl passages:

{"Survived": "0", "Pclass": "3", "Sex": "male", "Age": "22", "SibSp": "1", "Parch": "0", "Ticket": "A/5 21171", "Fare": "7.25", "Cabin": "", "Embarked": "S", "source": "1", "title": "", "text": "Braund, Mr. Owen Harris", "pid": -1, "Birthday": "1890-10-02"}
{"Survived": "1", "Pclass": "1", "Sex": "female", "Age": "38", "SibSp": "1", "Parch": "0", "Ticket": "PC 17599", "Fare": "71.2833", "Cabin": "C85", "Embarked": "C", "source": "2", "title": "", "text": "Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)", "pid": -1, "Birthday": "1874-07-16"}

In order to build and query an index with titanic data, we need the following steps.

Prepare the config file

The difference to the previous config file is that we add a fields block to ingest the additional fields (besides the default of text) which includes Survived, Birthday etc. For each field, we add the following item in the filed blocks.


Field_name specifies the field name. field_name_internal is the field name used in the Milvus internally. The reason to introduce field_name_internal is for non-english language use case: The non-english field_name are not valid keys in Milvus, the field_name_internal can be set as the english translation of field_name. For english datasets, they can be identical. The type is either keyword or date, which represent categorical or date types respectively.

version: "0.1"
# linear or rank
combine: linear
keyword_weight: 0.5
vector_weight: 0.5
rerank_weight: 0.5
  es_user: elastic
  es_passwd: YOUR_ES_PASSWORD
  es_host: http://localhost:9200
  es_ingest_passage_bs: 5000
  topk: 5
  milvus_host: localhost
  milvus_port: 19530
  milvus_user: root
  milvus_passwd: Milvus
  emb_model: sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2
  emb_dims: 384
  one_model: true
  vector_ingest_passage_bs: 1000
  topk: 5
  rerank_model: cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2
  rerank_bs: 100
  topk: 5
  - Survived:Survived:keyword
  - Pclass:Pclass:keyword
  - Sex:Sex:keyword
  - Age:Age:keyword
  - SibSp:SibSp:keyword
  - Parch:Parch:keyword
  - Embarked:Embarked:keyword
  - Birthday:Birthday:date
output_prefix: denser_output_retriever/
max_doc_size: 0
max_query_size: 0

Build and query a Denser retriever

Once we have the config file, we run the following python code to build a retriever index and then query.

from denser_retriever.retriever_general import RetrieverGeneral
# Build denser index
retriever = RetrieverGeneral("simple_demo_index_titanic", "tests/config-titanic.yaml")
# Query
query = "cumings"
meta_data = {"Sex": "female"}
passages, _ = retriever.retrieve(query, meta_data)

simple_demo_index_titanic is the index name we use, we can change to any other names. tests/config-titanic.yaml is the retriever yaml config file. tests/test_data/titanic_top10.jsonl contains 10 jsonl data points as follows.

{"Survived": "0", "Pclass": "3", "Sex": "male", "Age": "22", "SibSp": "1", "Parch": "0", "Ticket": "A/5 21171", "Fare": "7.25", "Cabin": "", "Embarked": "S", "source": "1", "title": "", "text": "Braund, Mr. Owen Harris", "pid": -1, "Birthday": "1890-10-02"}
{"Survived": "1", "Pclass": "1", "Sex": "female", "Age": "38", "SibSp": "1", "Parch": "0", "Ticket": "PC 17599", "Fare": "71.2833", "Cabin": "C85", "Embarked": "C", "source": "2", "title": "", "text": "Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)", "pid": -1, "Birthday": "1874-07-16"}

Each data point has the default source, title, text and pid fields. It additionally has fields such as Sex which can be used to activate the filters in search. The query searches the keyword cumings with a filter of Sex being female. We will get the results similar to the following.

{'source': '2', 'text': 'Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)', 'title': '', 'pid': -1, 'score': 3.6725314448539734, 'Survived': '1', 'Pclass': '1', 'Sex': 'female', 'Age': '38', 'SibSp': '1', 'Parch': '0', 'Embarked': 'C', 'Birthday': '1874-07-16'},
{'source': '9', 'text': 'Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg)', 'title': '', 'pid': -1, 'score': -6.092582982287597, 'Survived': '1', 'Pclass': '3', 'Sex': 'female', 'Age': '27', 'SibSp': '0', 'Parch': '2', 'Embarked': 'S', 'Birthday': '1885-06-03'}

Put everything together

We put all code together as follows.

from denser_retriever.retriever_general import RetrieverGeneral
# Build denser index
retriever = RetrieverGeneral("simple_demo_index_titanic", "tests/config-titanic.yaml")
# Query
query = "cumings"
meta_data = {"Sex": "female"}
passages, _ = retriever.retrieve(query, meta_data)

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